As Argentina is in the Southern Hemisphere, the Argentine beef was at its prime at the right time of year compared to the Northern Hemisphere. This gave Argentinean Steaks further strength in North American and European markets.
With increasing demand, new breeds of cattle were introduced along with crossbreeding methods to raise prime cattle.
Argentinean steak houses are so proud of their locally raised cattle that you can, in some places, scan a barcode to see the sample you just ate, giving a full history of the animal including which farm it was reared on.
Choosing the right steak is just the same as a steak from any other country. There are various cuts from the various different types of originally imported, specially selected and expertly crossbred cattle.
Treatment and cooking of the meat will ensure it preserves its natural flavor. Here are a few tips for preserving and cooking the perfect Argentinean Steak.
To help with cooking and to make the meat considerably lighter, the fat should be removed. If you are grilling the steak, the fat can be left on.
To retain the beefs juices, either paint the meat with its own juice, or use the juice as ingredient for the sauce. Using the juice of the cooked beef to make gravy is one idea.
To freeze
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I'm Heather, I enjoy food and cooking. I wrote this as I recently decided to buy Argentinian steak and really enjoyed it. As I find more foods I like I will write more about them.