Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Fat composition in beef meat

Meat contributes a significant amount of fat to the human diet. Meat contains relatively high amounts of saturated fatty acids and ruminant meats are low in polyunsaturated.

The fatty acid content of different meats might be influenced by a wide variety of factors, including animal breed, external and internal fat levels, climate, and breeding, feeding and rearing conditions.

In general, lean meat contain about 5-10% of fat. In one study fat content in beef cut (semimembranosus) contain about 3.08% and 8.75% in biceps femoris.

Approximately half of the saturated fatty acid in both the lean and fat component of red meat is palmitic acid (16:0), and about a third is stearic acid (18:0).

The fatty acids in meat are located mainly in adipose tissue, commonly termed “fat.” This has a role in product quality, contributing toward texture (tenderness and mouthfeel) and juiciness in both fresh meat and meat products. The fatty acid primarily responsible for soft fat in Wagyu (Japan) and Hanwoo (Korea) cattle is oleic acid.

The softness/hardness of fat, which is greatly influenced by fatty acid composition, affects various properties such as the sliceability, and the stability of sausage emulsions.

Fat composition of beef or marbling. Both the amount of marbling and the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids increase with time on feed in grain-fed and pasture-fed cattle, but much more dramatically in grain-fed cattle.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids range from 11% to 29% of total fatty acids. Pasture fed cattle is a better source of omega-3 fats than grain feed beef.
Fat composition in beef meat

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